Kristin Glenn
Shaila, a top-shot attorney, and her husband, John, a successful pediatric cardiologist, seem to have the perfect life. But beneath the surface, secrets, obsession, and greed threaten to unravel everything they hold dear. As their world spirals into a dangerous and thrilling journey, they must confront the shadows lurking in their relationship.
“The dangers of keeping secrets and failing to communicate can quickly turn a seemingly perfect relationship into a deadly game.”
Target Readers: Fans of romance and suspense, especially those who enjoy stories about complex relationships and hidden dangers.
After Reading: Reflect on the importance of honesty and communication in relationships. Consider discussing the book’s themes with friends or a book club.
Kristin M. Glenn masterfully blends romance and suspense, creating a gripping narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Her insightful and thought-provoking tone encourages readers to question the dynamics of trust and communication in relationships.
Kristin Glenn
„Her Dangerous Lover“ wird Sie von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite fesseln. Es ist Romantik, Geheimnis und Mord, verpackt in eine wunderschön geschriebene Geschichte der Debütautorin Kristin Glenn. Shaila, eine bodenständige Anwältin in ihren besten Jahren, ist glücklich mit dem Kinderkardiologen John Anderson verheiratet. Seit neun Jahren glaubt John, er sei mit der schönsten Frau verheiratet, die er je gesehen hat. Marc Wilson jedoch glaubt, Shaila habe John aus Trost geheiratet. Er ist entschlossen, den Fehler, den er vor Jahren gemacht hat, indem er sie nicht geheiratet hat, wiedergutzumachen. Er wird ihr angesehenster Klient in ihrer Anwaltskanzlei und wird vor nichts zurückschrecken, um sie zurückzugewinnen. Machen Sie sich bereit für Erpressung, Macht, Geld, Sex und sogar Mord.
"Her Dangerous Lover & Deadly Close Encounters"
Autorin: Kristin Glenn
Biography Details:
Kristin M. Glenn, Indianapolis, Indiana
I started writing because it was the natural next step after my love for reading. I enjoy all kinds of books, and one day I thought, “I can do this.” With encouragement from my husband and sons, I wrote and self-published my first book, Her Dangerous Lover. My grandmother and mother, both avid readers, inspired my love for reading and writing.
I specialize in writing murder romance mysteries, enjoying the intrigue and surprises that come from my imagination. I aim to keep my audience guessing about what will happen next, which keeps my characters interesting.
So far, I have written and self-published two books: Her Dangerous Lover and Deadly Close Encounters. I am currently working on a few more. Her Dangerous Lover has been showcased at several book fairs and received positive reviews, though it hasn’t gained widespread attention yet. I’m patiently waiting for the right moment.
My goal is to entertain readers with the mystery and romance in my stories. I love to read and write about love and mystery, and I incorporate these elements into my books. People seem to enjoy my work, and I hope they continue to do so.
You can reach out to me at or

Kristin M Glenn
Kristin M Glenn, geboren 1973 in Seymour, Indiana, seit 25 Jahren verheiratet, Vater von 3 Söhnen
Kristin M Glenn

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